Global and Transregional Studies Platform Goettingen
Transregional/Global Research and Teaching on Göttingen Campus and Beyond
The Global and Transregional Studies Platform Goettingen brings together many existing and upcoming research and teaching activities related to regional and transregional studies within the faculties of Humanities, Social Sciences, Economics and Law at the University of Göttingen. Other institutions from the Göttingen Campus are also involved, including the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, as well as the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Building on existing expertise on China, India, South-East Asia, the Middle East, Africa and other regions, the platform strives to deepen the dialogue between different regional studies and disciplines like history, sociology and political science. The platform thus provides opportunities for joint projects, partly in collaboration with partners across the globe.
On this webpage and as an email newsletter, the platform gathers information about and promotes global and transregional events on the Göttingen Campus, as well as organising its own events. These events include working and reading groups, lectures and conferences, many of which are co-organized with other departments or institutes.
The platform is run by a board. The current speaker is Professor Sebastian Vollmer.
Upcoming events
Members affiliated with the Global and Transregional Studies Platform Goettingen are based at a number of institutions, including the University of Göttingen (representing a wide variety of departments and research centers), the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, and the Georg-Eckert-Institut in Braunschweig.
Research Empheses
The platform hosts several research groups, funded by variety of sources. Currently these groups are working on two major research themes:
Global History
The Göttingen Platform for Global and Transregional Studies has a research emphasis on global historical scholarship. It particularly seeks to bring global historical approaches from different branches of historiography into constructive conversations with one another. It also encourages dialogues between historians and representatives of other fields across the humanities and social sciences. The platform seeks to foster active exchanges, and collaboration, between practitioners of global history from all over the world.
Thus far, two third party-funded projects have been affiliated with the Göttingen Platform of Global and Transregional Studies: “A Global Network for Global History” and “Modern Chinese History and its Global Entanglements”.
Inter-Asia Research
The Inter-Asia Research Group, which partly continues and develops the activities of the transregional research network CETREN, focuses on a wide range of relationships and interconnections between different parts of Asia. The group hosts international fellows in a Global Summer Semester Residency funded by the Social Science Research Council and will regularly organize workshops and other events.